About Me

Hi! Here’s a snippet about me.

Growing up in Australia my childhood, in general, was pretty typical of most Aussie kids who were raised in a working-class family in the ’50s and ’60s (unfortunately, no Bluebloods to boast about here!).

My teenage years were influenced by musical events such as Woodstock, and international legends such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Joe Cocker, Kate Bush, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, and The Moody Blues, just to name a few. And let’s not forget the many great Aussie bands and singers that earned their fame in the music world.

When I was around twelve I wrote my first serious short story called “Adventure at Smuggler’s Cove” which my mum, Joan, typed up for me. I was absolutely ecstatic. At that age seeing your words printed on paper was a really big deal, even if it was done on a typewriter! I wish I still had that story, but over the years, with numerous family moves, it was lost to antiquity. If you happen to come across it collecting dust in a corner somewhere, let me know! And no, I’m not famous enough for it to be auctioned off at Sotheby’s!

Reading crime and suspense is something I’ve enjoyed for as long as I can remember, which is what propelled me to start writing. I think I have a bit of a knack for fiction writing, but you can be the judge of that when my book is published. Exploring my imagination is my way to unwind and escape into other realities, bringing stories and characters to life.

After many years of living in the US, plus a few extra years living in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur, I returned to Australia’s western shore with my husband and fur kids.

At heart, there’ll always be a bit of the global nomad in me! However, the country of my birth will always be home no matter where my travels take me. It is, and always will be, the incomparable Land Downunder.

Cheers for now ~ Kim